The (not so) Secret Society of Fiber Artists

The Problem:

I’m stuck in a hotel for two weeks.  I know that’s not really the most horrible fate, but I am seven months pregnant and have no car.  My waddling radius is much smaller than normal people’s walking radius, and most of my friends here either have jobs, kids, or both.  I’m doing a pretty good job keeping busy, and I have even found a new knitting group here.  This is where I want to give a shout out to my husband.

I looked for a knitting group on before I moved out here.  Nada, unless I want to knit my chakras together while playing D&D.  I’m talking to my husband yesterday, and he has the most brilliant idea.

The solution:

“Why don’t you look on Ravelry for a group to knit with?”

Der.  In my hormone-induced insanity, I had forgotten that Ravelry wasn’t only a source for internet friends and knitting buddies, but real ones too!  All I had to do was go here and plug in my location.  A few groups came up, and I went with the most active.  Lo and behold, I get messaged by a member giving me a warm welcome and inviting them to the next meeting.  Social life restored.

Knitters are everywhere.  Almost everywhere you go, there will be someone who knits and wouldn’t mind someone to knit with.  It used to be like a secret network of knitters.  But due to the internet, and the popularity of the “Stitch n’ Bitch” concept, coffee shops everywhere have become a refuge for the lonely and thirsty knitter.

It's best to bring simpler knitting if you'll be talking, but sometimes you need help. Or to crank out a baby sweater. Lattes help.

The inspiration:  Knitters have been gathering together to knit as long as people have been knitting.  There is nothing quite like having other people to discuss technique with, help you troubleshoot, and shoot the breeze with while you are knitting (or crocheting!).  In recent times, however, knitting became “not cool” or “only for old ladies and pregnant women”.

Sometime around 2000, knitter and designer Debbie Stoller started NYC’s first “Stitch n’ Bitch” group, although apparently the term has been used since WWII.  The idea caught on like wildfire, leading to a series of books documenting the events of these groups.

Now knitting is not only hip and trendy, but it is supported by social networking sites such as  There’s even an entire day devoted to knitting in public.  Knitting groups are great for learning how to knit or just having fun knitting with others.  Even if you can’t get out, there are many knit- or crochet-alongs on the web (here are just a few!), where people all over the world knit together and share their experiences.  No secret knock necessary, although you will occasionally share a knowing look when a fellow fiber artists spots the tools of the trade.

Find a group near you:


Stitch n’ Bitch